This got us thinking, could these unhygienic conditions be a major cause of the inefficiency of the students? While we were out to de-worm the students and residents, we hadn’t considered to get rid of the source of the problem rather than treat its outcome. If one of the major causes of stomach worms was the lack of hygiene, then perhaps we should focus of eradicating the root of the problem, which in this case was the filthy garbage pollution all around the school and the residential area. Therefore it is important to get rid of the garbage pollution, which is causing such unhygienic conditions leading to stomach worms in the students and residents. This would aid in decreasing the occurrences of worms hence enabling the students to be more effective in the schools.
Garbage gives rise to several diseases especially of the intestines such as worms. Worms affect these children greatly, both at home and at school. The children suffering from worms are constantly in pain and this affects their education. This brings us back to our major objective at YEV – that is to create awareness. We feel that it is of utmost importance that you are aware of this situation so that you can avoid such occurrences in the environment that you live in. While we at YEV and Making A Difference Projects attempt to spread effective awareness and implement solutions, we would greatly appreciate your support by commenting and expressing your views on this issue and providing us with implementable solutions, you can help us positively change the lives of these children by improving the quality of their lives.